The Subtle Art Of Finding Your Definite Purpose.

Chirag Prajapati
2 min readApr 9, 2021


Think it the right way!
Photo from:

Take an honest look at yourself, and the decisions you have made to this date (since you thought ‘I am mature now! I can live my life on my own terms’). Do you feel any of those decisions really align with the ultimate purpose of your life? Or do you still squander your time away searching hard for some motivational speech/video to cultivate a sense of purpose in your mind? (and still, continue to be confused?), or are you among those who do not even know how important it is to have a PURPOSE in life? (more specifically a DEFINITE PURPOSE).

Do not self-sabotage yourself on why you couldn`t find a definite purpose, there are very few people who are lucky enough to know what they really love in the very early stage of their life. (and if you were that lucky, you wouldn’t be reading this right now)

I recently came across a small clip from Steve Jobs’ 2005 Stanford Commencement Address where he had drawn some pivotal points from his life. The thing that intrigued me was his habit of asking himself “If today were the LAST DAY of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do TODAY?” every day till 33 years.

Citing many fresh connections (who just realized the importance of LinkedIn) and mulling over their profiles, I feel many of us are still confused about the job we really want (also the ‘Type’ of the job we really want)

Think for a moment and visualize; if you die today, and your job gets displayed tomorrow (on a massive billboard in Times Square NYC) by what WORK TITLE do you want the entire world to know about you?

I found my definite purpose at the very moment I visualized this and eventually, my path became crystal clear!

Hope it helps you too :)

