How to increase your attention span?

Chirag Prajapati
3 min readApr 25, 2021


Before you begin reading this powerful piece of write-up, let me ask you something; are even you (just like me) among those who waste their time scrolling Instagram reels for hours? also, when you realize how much time you have wasted you end up scrolling more and more completing an entire catalog but now with stress and anxiety by your side?

If you are giggling right now, don’t feel ashamed, you are not the only one. Our mind has evolved in a way that it wants something novel now and then, ‘okay I like this, cool. Boy, what’s next?’, ‘oh! I hate it! Scroll up, man!’ Your brain is that insane, indisciplined, impatient, incautious, and ignorant runner that is constantly climbing the stairs with utmost pace, jumping from one obstacle to other just to find a small temporary dopamine hit (dopamine, a neurotransmitter, the reason you feel pleasure). If even your mind had a topsy-turvy adventure till now, congratulations even your attention span has shrunk.

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arggg!….enough problems! Let’s focus on what is going to give us a dopamine hit. Yes! The solution to this problem!

Let me clear something out before I open this secret of increasing attention span to you. Studies have shown, Meditation, physical exercise, and brain training are the best-proven ways through which you can increase your attention span. But this vital key that I am about to give you is from my personal experience and may also help you unlock the enigma behind the decrease in your attention span. Also, it is way too simple than other techniques. So, without wasting time, at top speed, let’s begin! The secret is -

Just, Slow down.

Yes, you read that correctly. ‘Slow down’ What I mean by slowing down may not sound so rational at first, but if you implement this, your focus and attention span might increase in a very short duration. By slowing down I mean just do most of your daily (unavoidable) tasks with a reduced pace than you do right now. Stay with me till the end, everything will soon make sense ;)

Slow down on your brushing speed and concentrate on each of your teeth while brushing, treating each of them as a small wall to clean. Take shower with water falling at a low pace on your body, apply soap gently on each of your body parts, (why not try a slow-motion dance!), no one is looking at you to judge you, to pass negative comments, so embrace the process. Eat your food little by little, chewing slowly, savouring the flavour as you place each piece inside your mouth, EAT LIKE A KING/QUEEN (as if the food was specially prepared for you, only for you, ‘your highness’)and let your mind feel everything is at peace. When you walk, walk slowly, taking your own time, THERE IS NO HURRY! (No one is taking your crush on a date, so, relax). As you talk, don’t just blabber out what is in your head rather talk slowly and let your mind process the thoughts clearly.

Isn’t this easy than sitting quietly with your eyes closed and monitoring your breath for 15 minutes? In case you find it even a bit hard, PRO TIP —

Start with the activities such as brushing, eating, and walking. Put your headset on while doing these activities and listen to slow, soooooooooooooooooothing instrumental music and let your mind relax. Remember, your mind is your own baby, so, treat it like one :D

